6 Sixth Seal Earthquake 144,000 Israel Virgins First Fruits Ben Son Barley Harvest

3 years ago

Thank you to Transformation of the Bride YT channel for this video "Timing of the Rapture (144,000 First Fruits)". It is theirs, not mine, but I wanted to share it with my subs to explain more of its meaning as shown below in this description.

This is an incredible teaching about the "virgins" who are redeemed by the Lamb of God. We all are in His glorious kingdom as shown in Rev 7, the 12 tribes of Israel and the Gentiles with palm branches in their hands worshipping the Lamb.

The LORD of hosts will raise up His host army to fight against the antichrist system WHEN HE returns. She is His warrior bride who will be made ONE with HIM by the Holy Spirit and believe The Truth, worshipping Him in Spirit AND in Truth.

This is the description of the LORD building Jerusalem (the temple, the body of Christ, His people, as His holy nation) as spoke of in Daniel 9. HE will BUILD (Banah H1129) the street and the wall in troublous times. The root word for H1121 BEN SON, the shorter name for Benjamin, is H1121 Banah meaning to build, built, build a house, children, offspring, and family.

She, the mother of us all as the free woman, is the new Jerusalem, a bride adorned for her husband, and she knows who she is. She comes to her place AFTER Satan as Apollyon G3 Abaddon H11 is cast out of Heaven as shown in Rev 12 and Daniel 12 when Michael, the prince and archangel, shall STAND UP for His people AND deliver them from the enemy! She is given two wings of a great eagle to go to her place (Rev 12...) which is WITH HIM, her LORD, her Maker, her Adonai, her Husband (Isaiah 54).

We are in this EXACT season RIGHT NOW for this EVENT to happen. This is another way to show that the peoples of earth are living during the season when the 6th seal opens which is shown as the time of the great earthquake. The quake of the earth (Isaiah 24) will shake the entire earth. It will happen to cause the fall of Babylon who is the great harlot against the LORD and against His Word.

Right after the great earthquake, the dead in Christ shall rise, and those who are alive and remain with HIM will be "caught up" to meet the LORD in the air. Then, the LORD of hosts returns for His second coming (NOT alone but) WITH HIS PEOPLE (who are His bride, His wife, His chosen people, called "hosts") to vanquish His enemies in the fire of His jealousy and to rule with a rod of iron OVER the nations.

"The Day of the LORD" is HIs Second Coming...

It will be King Yeshua JESUS (HE the last Adam a quickening Spirit of holiness, righteousness, and truth), Jerusalem who is the daughter of Zion, wisdom, a woman of Rev 12, the Lamb's wife of Rev 21 (she as the new Eve) and her Child (them seed offspring who are the woman's Seed) the children of wisdom (the bride). These are found in Rev 7 as 144K remnant (first fruit of harvest as the barley) and the wise virgins (the wheat of the harvest) as the seven church ages (7 eyes lampstands pillars) who are cutout by wisdom and raised UP by His Spirit. These TOGETHER (144K and wise virgins) are with HIM (Yeshua JESUS) to arise and thresh in the field of the earth to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE and break every yoke with the anointing oil.

What do we DO now? PREPARE. Get ready. Be sure you are filled with HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Receive and believe the Word of God into your heart, your mind, and your soul unto your salvation and your redemption. We are "changed" from having His Holy Spirit INSIDE OF us, as His temple, into being WITH THE LORD, as His people whom He raises up to rule and reign WITH HIM in His new kingdom.

For you to be caught away, you must FIRST be completely REPENTANT of your sins and believe that HE shall SAVE you from what Satan, as the red dragon in Rev 12, is spewing out after a woman clothed with the sun (the Holy Spirit of promise covering and keeping her as HIS), a male child (144K of Israel to rule with a rod of iron OVER the nations Rev 7 who are sealed), and her Child (all those of His body of believers who are WISE VIRGINS as righteous Gentiles made clean, pure, and holy by His Spirit) who are "caught up" to God and to His throne. These ones are FILLED with HIS new oil, HIS new wine, and HIS anointing.

We will no longer be afflicted, wanting, lowly, and in ruins as the "tail". NO!!!!! HE is the HEAD and we are part of the HEAD, not the tail! The Lion of the tribe of JUDAH rules and reigns, NOT Satan, and NOT any Haman (figure) NOR his ten sons (the 10 heads as kings in Babylon).

The LORD by HIS SPIRIT will RISE US UP to our "place" much like how Queen Esther (her seven maids, type of the Gentile 7 churches) and Mordecai (type of Benjamin Ben Son of My Right Hand of strength, joy, and authority) ROSE in Shushan, the palace. The palace is a citadel, a symbol of our new bodies as new wine skins. The new bodies we get will be FILLED with the BEST new wine and the BEST oil of His Spirit. We are raised as the fortified WALLS "called salvation Yehoshua Yeshua Joshua) and the 12 GATES (12 tribes of Israel) called "Praise" of His holy city, the New Jerusalem, with HIS FIRE IN US and all AROUND US! The fire of God (as SHIN El Shaddai) will come from the inside out, as a two edged sword coming out of our lips, as a scarlet cord of redemption, against Satan and his fallen angels!

Speak His Word, being endued with HIS POWER by HIS SPIRIT, and watch the fallen angels FLEE away from YOU! The types and shadows of this are PERFECT of no private interpretation. These illustrations are made known in the WORD of GOD.

When the King and the Queen (Melek) RISE UP in RIGHTEOUSNESS (tsedek) for battle, there will be NO ONE who can stand in their way! All the kingdoms of the worldly fallen carnal empires will FALL under their feet, making way for the great and high mountain, the holy city, the New Jerusalem, to be be married, beautiful, filled with all His treasures of goodness, as His wife, restored as at the first. Micah 4 shows this restoration in detail.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

Copyright 2021 Susan Joy Dahl All Rights Reserved.
Go to Susan Joy Dahl "Vision in Shushan" Rumble Channel

Videos, Teachings, Songs, and Prophecy of "The End".

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The LORD wants us to worship HIM through HIS HOLY SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

The LORD says to ALL... "I AM" the First and the Last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega.

Do NOT take any matters into your own hands. Vengeance is of THE LORD. We are called to love the LORD GOD with our whole hearts, minds, and souls and love not our lives unto the death. Rev 12:11. The punishment, judgment, and recompense of those who are desecrating His holy name, through their many blasphemies and abominations against the HOLY ONE of Israel, shall come from THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself, and His host when HE returns for HIS Second coming to the earth.

The EXACT time and season of earth and the peoples of earth can be DIRECTLY compared to...

1) the judgment of God through "The Flood" of Noah and the Ark saving alive only 8 souls,

2) Jonah's message to Nineveh, a great city that REPENTED WITH TEARS SACKCLOTH AND ASHES before GOD ALMIGHY, wherein 120,000 were spared their lives,

3) Queen Esther, Mordecai, and her seven maidens petitioning God for deliverance and rescue from the evil plot of Haman and his ten sons, and

4) the delivery of the male child (H1121 Ben Son as 144,000 remnant of Israel as virgins in Rev 14) and her Child (the righteous Gentiles of 7 church ages as 7 eyes lampstands pillars cutout by wisdom as the "wise virgins") to be caught up to God and the throne as shown by a woman clothed with the sun (His holiness His righteousness His WORD and His BLOOD covering her with HIS LIGHT of TRUTH) in Rev 12:1-5.

Pray that you are NOT deceived because it is a treacherous time for all the inhabitants of earth. I hope you have EYES to SEE (AYIN 16) that THE LORD has HIS OWN RESET (AYIN 70) HE is performing for His people to be gathered and brought back to HIM for their CHANGE (to go through the dalet door delta spring Shoshannim "Those who shall be changed" as His beloved dowd, all equal to 4 and a triangle UP to Heaven), glory unto glory, and their TRANSFORMATION, to become as HE IS, and their salvation and redemption to live with THE LORD JESUS forevermore.

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