North Macedonia National Anthem (Instrumental) Денес над Македонија

4 years ago

Macedonia (Macedonian: Македонија, Makedonija), officially the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonian: Република Македонија, Republika Makedonija) is a country in the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe. It is one of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, from which it declared independence in 1991.

Macedonian National Anthem - Today Over Macedonia

(English Lyrics/Translation)
Today over Macedonia is born
the new sun of liberty.
𝄆 The Macedonians fight
for their own rights! 𝄇

Do not cry, dear mother Macedonia,
Raise your head proudly high,
𝄆 Old, young, men, and women,
have risen to their feet! 𝄇

Now once again the flag flutters,
(that) of the Kruševo Republic
𝄆 Gotse Delchev, Pitu Guli
Dame Gruev, Sandanski! 𝄇

The Macedonian woods resoundly sing
new songs and news!
𝄆 Macedonia liberated
lives in liberty! 𝄇

North Macedonian National Anthem / Hymne National Macédonien / Mazedonische Nationalhymne / Himno Nacional de Macedonia / Гимн Северной Македонии / Macedonisch Volkslied / Himna Severne Makedonije / Inno Nazionale Macedone / Makedonska Himna

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