Joe Biden is the Racist One

4 years ago

If you can watch this video and still believe that Joe Biden is not racist, then you genuinely need help. Here are several examples of this, from Joe's own mouth, on camera, and as a public figure these incidents are also public record, and these are facts.

However, to the people who claim that Trump is a racist, do for me what I've done for you and put together all of the instances where Trump has been so insulting to people in a racially driven way as Joe Biden has here in these examples. I'm pretty damn sure you won't because it isn't likely there is any video footage of such examples. Your accusations against Trump, have all been lies and baseless claims, and they have been debunked time and time again, over and over.

It's strange that I actually can find audio/video proof that Joe Biden is racist, and that Joe Biden is a criminal who has admitted out of his own mouth, on camera, to committing an international felony as well as a United States Federal felony. The Democrats even falsely accused President Trump of doing what Joe Biden admits to doing, and it is the primary accusation they made when attempting to impeach the President the first time.

Why hasn't Joe Biden been impeached yet since he actually admitted to it, and he actually is really guilty of it. Democrats are nothing more than political mobsters, criminals who keep lying and making baseless accusations against republicans, and we can prove this because we have hard evidence to back it up. The democrats attack but never have the proof to backup their accusations.

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