The 5th Appendage of Governance - Social Media

3 years ago

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The iphone: The most powerful device ever invented for the effective control of humanity.

Like anything we 'learn', when we discover 'it' ourselves, it means more. It means more than the lecture forced upon you by our parents...the people who loved us more than any anyone else on earth (usually).

Sadly, two generations have now 'discovered' social media and everything that comes with it. It has become them. America and the world is being 'directed' what to think, who to 'like', who to hate, what to wear, etc....and on a scale more effective than any other medium has been able to accomplish in the history of mankind.

This is being done by a handful of un-elected ideologists. It is the kind of mass-brainwashing that would make Stalin, Mao and Hitler regret having been born so soon.

The world is being Thelma and Louise'd off the constitutional cliff. because the progressive-Marxist-America-hating-socialist 'left', has convinced two generations that America sucks and that it should be fundamentally changed, starting with the document that is the greatest provider of rights to 'The People' the world has ever known. It represented an improvement over the Magna Carter, the likes of which has not been repeated anywhere/anytime and it has stood the test of time (a quarter of a millennia).

I'll shut up. Watch the video.

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