What is Battle Ready? Episode 3 - Battle Ready Ministries

4 years ago

What does it mean to be "Battle Ready" in the end times? Watch the video and find out more in retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Col.) David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist Troy Anderson's new book The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group, January 5, 2021).

It's the #1 "Best Seller" in "Christian Eschatology" and "Christian Spiritual Warfare" and hit #129​​ out of 33 million books on Amazon and #150​​ on Barnes & Noble shortly after its release. It's also available via Audible, Christianbook.com, Walmart, Target, Baker Book House, Books-A-Million, Hudson Booksellers, Parable and most anywhere books are sold. Discover more at www.troyanderson.us, www.davidjgiammona.com and www.battle-ready.org.

Schedule a Battle Ready Ministries conference and/or "spiritual boot camp" at your church, retreat, camp or venue by visiting www.battle-ready.org.

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