Tabernacle Rediscovery: Israel 365 News / Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz and Andrew Hoy Interview - Exodus Terumah

4 years ago

Has the Tabernacle described back in Exodus been rediscovered? What does the Bible say about the ancient structure, and what mysteries about the Israelites' Tent of Meeting or "Ohel Moed" have been recently uncovered? Did the Hebrews worship God in a box nearly 3,500 years ago, or was there something more amazing going on? Check out this interview with Andrew Hoy of Project 314 and Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz of Israel 365 News (formerly Breaking Israel News) - 2021, and get the real scoop of what Exodus a.k.a. "Shemot", including Terumah, Pekudei, and Vayakhel, is talking about. You will never think about Moses, the Temple, and God's Dwelling place the same ever again! For more information, check out Special thanks to Susanne C for the help editing!

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