Tony Katz Today: The Legality of Immigration Matters

4 years ago

On This Episode:

- If you want to see rage and hate, look no further than the people cheering Rush Limbaugh’s passing.

- Some members of Congress are so angry with President Trump that they are attempting to prevent him from being buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

- Retail sales are up due to stimulus check payments. The Government cannot spend their way into prosperity. That is Keynesian economics and it does not work. People working creates wealth and prosperity.

- Dr. Fauci says we can maybe start getting back to normal in 2022. Another goalpost move, another reason to not trust Dr. Fauci.

- A radio host in Wisconsin that has been indefinitely suspended for a Facebook post that was critical of Rush Limbaugh

The Big Story:

The Immigration Bill is a bad bill and we explain why giving 11 million people citizenship just because they managed to break the law to get here is a bad idea. The legality of immigration matters.

The conversation about the immigration process is a conversation we can have. How we handle children born here while their parents were breaking the law is a conversation. The economy of immigration and the value of growing the American workforce are both important conversations.

Making 11 million people citizens without question, that is not a conversation. It is a bad immigration bill.

Instagram: @tonykatz
Parler: @tonykatz

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