LQV - Swift as a Trodden Serpent Turn and Strike! (Bull of Heaven Cover)

4 years ago

get it here / consiguelo aqui: https://mouthofthelocust.bandcamp.com/track/swift-as-a-trodden-serpent-turn-and-strike

Bandcamp, cause i am an "Artist" / Bandcamp, por que me creo artista: https://mouthofthelocust.bandcamp.com/
Trashy website / Pagina web: https://elcolectivodeuno.wordpress.com/
Hearthis.at: http://hearthis.at/mouth-of-the-locust/
Deviantart, cause i am an "Artist" / Deviantart, por que me creo artista: https://www.deviantart.com/monototheist
Superocho for videos in spanish: https://superocho.org/@lascosasquepasanxd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fuckyourwholea1
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/RDJWbgU9qz5M/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-631133

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