Destiny 2 - Exotic Weapons - Eriana's Vow PVE [PC 1080p HD]

4 years ago

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Eriana's Vow is an Exotic Hand Cannon introduced in the Season of the Undying. It was awarded to the player once they reach rank 35 of the free track, or at rank 1 of the premium track. In Season of Arrivals, it became purchasable from Master Rahool for 100,000 Glimmer, 200 Helium Filaments, 3 Enhancement Prisms, and an Exotic Cipher. In Beyond Light, it became acquirable from the Monument to Lost Lights.
Eriana’s Vow does not play much like the average hand canon. Instead, it functions much like a handheld sniper. This is due to the low clip size, low ammo reserves, long reload time, high range, low fire rate, high impact, and perks that incentivize landing precision hits.
It even has a proper scope, unlike most hand canons.
In order to maximize your damage while using this weapon, it is imperative that you land precision hits or hit enemies with elemental shields.
While most other hand cannons are great for clearing weak enemies with a single precision hit, it is inadvisable to use Eriana’s Vow like this. Instead, save your ammo for stronger enemies.
Eriana’s Vow has innate barrier-piercing rounds, making it useful in weeks of Nightfall: The Ordeal that have barrier champions. Notably, however, these barriers are not considered elemental shields for the purposes of the Death at First Glance perk, but the effect can be extended to the next shot by landing precision hits through the shield.
You do not have to worry about landing precision hits on enemies with elemental shields since it is impossible to do so. However, pay attention to when the barrier is broken; carelessly firing away at enemies with elemental shields may cause players to lose the Death at First Glance buff by accidentally landing body shots after breaking the elemental shield.
Players may unscope and preserve the Death at First Glance buff for future shots, then re-position and rescope later to still deal full damage.
In the Crucible, players will spawn with 4 rounds instead of 2 as in other special ammo weapons. This is because the damage in PVP is low compared to other special ammo weapons, with two precision hits being required to kill an enemy player from full health and shields.

Destiny 2 is an online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.
A free version known as Destiny 2: New Light was released alongside the launch of Shadowkeep.
Players assume the role of a Guardian, protectors of Earth's last safe city as they wield a power called Light to protect humanity from different alien races and combat the looming threat of the Darkness. Like the original Destiny, the game features expansion packs which further the story and adds new content across the game.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is a major expansion for Destiny 2, a first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. It was released on November 10, 2020, as the fifth expansion of Destiny 2. Players travel to Jupiter's icy moon Europa to confront the Fallen Kell Eramis, who plans to use the power of the Darkness to save her people and take revenge on the Traveler back on Earth, as she and many Fallen believe that the Traveler had abandoned them before the Golden Age of humanity. The player's Guardian also obtains this new Darkness-based power as a subclass called Stasis, which also features new abilities. The expansion sees the return of the Exo Stranger from the original Destiny's campaign, as well as Variks from the original game's House of Wolves expansion, both of which guides the Guardian on Europa. Furthermore, Beyond Light adds other content across the game, including missions, player versus environment locations, player gear, weaponry, and a raid. Beyond Light is the first expansion of Destiny 2 to be released on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S platforms. Bungie described this expansion as the beginning of a new era for the Destiny franchise.

In addition to the expansion, some of the less played locations and activities from the first three years of Destiny 2 were cycled out of the game into what Bungie calls the Destiny Content Vault (DCV), which also includes all areas from the original Destiny. This was done to cut down on the install size of the game, but Bungie plans to cycle areas in and out of the DCV, updating older destinations to fit the current state of the game. Earth's Cosmodrome from the original game returned alongside Beyond Light. At present, this location mainly serves as the introductory and tutorial destination for first-time players of the free-to-play base game with a full questline, but over the course of the year, Bungie plans to expand the area to its original size from the original game, including bringing back all of its strikes.

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