Math Calculus Set A 09 Differentiation Serious Chain Rule Example

4 years ago

If you want to find my videos as topics in a playlist on Rumble, you can type in eg:
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You can also find me on Youtube where my videos are organised into Playlists ie Topics.

This example demonstrates a lot of the 'little things' that cause students to make errors. I regularly make up examples in class, often for revision at the start of a lesson and even at the end of a lesson for 'fun''.

It just depends on what comes out of my brain as a result of what has been happening in recent lessons or something that comes to mind from watching my students in class.

This was filmed during class using my phone, by one of my wonderful students - Leah, and she does a great job. :)

By the way, if you view any of my videos on Rumble, all or at least most of my videos on that topic come up. This is where it is so important that I have my videos organised in 'Sets' and 'Numerical Order' so that you can see what comes next.

On Youtube I am Robert Prestwidge with the space, but I have a playlist for each topic eg Calculus, Trigonometry, Fractions, Equations etc as well as 'Sections' for each Year/Grade/Course but Rumble will not allow me to do this, although, it's automatic playlist is quite impressive.

On Rumble you can just type in:
RobertPrestwidge Trigonometry
RobertPrestwidge Equations
RobertPrestwidge Logarithms
RobertPrestwidge Parabolas
RobertPrestwidge Exponent
RobertPrestwidge Quadratic
RobertPrestwidge Negatives
etc to get my playlists.

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