Intimacy with God - You Share Everything, Togetherness

4 years ago

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Holy Thursday, Lord I know you want me to continue with the message on intimacy. I can’t help but think the songs you were telling me that I have been distracted or your calling me to lay something down. I am wondering if it is about Derrick and the timing of everything goodness woke up full of anxiety today and ran to Blessed Mother for prayer it helped tremendously. Jesus I trust you but I also love you enough that if you are asking me to lay down something or even that or the timing. Please give me the grace i say yes to what you want I truly do , I felt led to go for a rhema concerning the marriage in July and derrick coming to the mountain and having the wedding here. These have all been thoughts and got scriptures of “Faith” the just will live by faith”…and faith is evidence of things hoped for and substance of thing not yet seen” So I feel Lord your saying “have faith” I won’t be concerned with the details anymore I will leave you to that because your better at that lol (breath) and will have faith in what you promised however it turns out. Thank you Lord

Intimacy with God: When You Are In Love You Share Everything

Hello Brothers and Sisters and Youtube Family hope you guys are being blessed, as we continue on in this series about intimacy with God when you are in Looooove. You share everything…everything. You share your thoughts, your emotions, your desires , your time, your past, your pain , your joys and yes you even share food am I right or wrong? lol. You guys become intimately united together with each other and that is what Jesus wants with you a Life in love together

So share your thoughts with him, he knows them already lol. I have heard some say what is the point of praying or talking to Jesus he knows everything which is true but that is not very personable is it? Jesus is a very personable person he loves to hear what you think and opinions. He doesn’t shy away from that at all. He wants you to be free to communicate with him concerning what is on your heart and he is so ready to listen. Jesus is the best listener you can ever find. He listens so intently to every single word, jester and sighs of your heart and he gets you . He really does, he loves details too lol. Even your thoughts are displeasing to him don’t hide them from him that what the enemy wants you to do but come before him in all humility and boldy before your bridegroom where his grace is endless as he waits for you. There you can be honest with him about bad thoughts you are having and ask him to help you with that and he will

When you are in love you share your emotions with one another . You share how you are feeling, what bothers you, your dislikes so do the same with Jesus. If I can be honest I struggled with that for a while then Jesus played a song over me that addressed it as he made it very plain that I even hide my emotions from him and how it hurst him when I do that. I just began to cry guys because I didn’t realize he cared so much and in doing that I hurt him. Imagine having someone you care about always being passive never allowing you into the deep places in their hearts and when you ask is everything okay They say they are fine but you know they are hurting or worried. you would feel rejected right? That is how Jesus feels when we too dismiss him and don’t open up ourselves to him it shows a lack of trust and how it hurts him. So tell him, one time in distress I told the Lord frankly that I couldn’t do this walk anymore, that I wanted to live life. Not a life of work and prayer it was no fun and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was in tears saying all of these to him as I stopped and a thought came to me “That Oh my gosh I just broke up with Jesus” all I could do was Laugh, laugh and laugh..with my tears and tissue. I realized how silly I sounded but more importantly that he had heard me and understood my plight and gave me joy for my mourning that moment. Causing me to laugh with him and at myself. So be honest about your emotions with him and then ask him to help you with them

When your love you share your desires Psalm 37:4 says delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. So how can you delight yourself in the Lord? By not only being in his presence as you spend time with him but delighting yourself with everything that has to do with God. Then your desires become his desires. He infuses you with his love and desires for you because you are in love. you then began to desire what he wants sometimes without even knowing it. In the beginning of my walk the Lord led me to Kari Jobe’s music and oh how all her songs ministered to me in a profound way. I would play her albums over and over again. I said in my heart how much I loved her and would one day love to meet her to express my gratitude for her helping me in my walk with Jesus. Do you know the Lord not only answering the desires of my heart but surprised me in a big way. When the Lord called me he told me to leave everything and join a church to sing in the choir. So he then led me to leave my former church and join gateway church not having any idea that her father was a pastor there. So when I got accepted in the choir I found out that she was the one who had started the choir but not only that. We got to meet with her and sing with her for a church album. I was flabbergasted singing with Kari Jobe!! eek thank you Lord. Then another time on my 30th birthday I asked Jesus to go shopping with me for a birthday outfit. I found a white pant suit outfit that I was unable to get at the moment. It was the last one left so I hid it asking him to keep it safe for me if he really wanted me to get that outfit. Sure enough I came back a few days later and the outfit was moved, discouraged I was about to leave when a sale person asked if I needed help. I told her about the outfit and she said she saw it and had picked up to store it away on another rack for safe keeping since it was the only one. I was flabbergasted again so you know I had to tell her the testimony and she laughed in awe saying he was really keeping it for you then! I share all these details with you because he desires to do small things like this for all his brides by doing life together

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