[MEQ #18: 17 July 2019] _ posts #3436-3437 (2 posts only) July 17; Majestic 12 (53 posts) on EPSTEIN

3 years ago

Channel video #18 [Originally published on YouTube 17 July 2019]

The first 9 minutes are about the newest _ posts and then some links from _Research. It’s not that long because _ only made 2 posts.

The rest of the video is about Majestic 12’s posts on Twitter (over 50 of them).

Channel video #17 [Originally published on YouTube 15 July 2019]

I don’t know how good this video was. I made many mistakes and also spoke poorly quite often. But I didn’t want to spend ages editing out half the video either. There isn’t that much time to do that while keeping up with the new drops every day. It’s hard making these videos. Hopefully the next video I make will be better though.

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