Exoplanets Are A Foil For Our Intelligent Design

4 years ago

For those who believe in the evolution of the solar system, the discovery of exoplanets and what we learned as a result was a black swan. We learned that we are the unusual exception, and that most systems defy the long-standing revolutionary anti-creation mythology of how the Solar System came to be. Now, desperately, rescuing devices must be used to rescue the sinking story instead of abandoning it.

Metaphor: If you see that every other painting in the universe is just paint that’s been splashed on the wall, but then you look at the painting that you have and it’s a Michelangelo, then you know that there was some deliberate intentional design in your own painting, in contrast to British laws of nature that seem to dictate the way other paintings are.

If the only painting you ever knew about was Michelangelo, you may think it’s easy to get that painting, but then you find out that every other painting in the universe is just paint splashed on the wall straight out of the bucket, then you realize it was not so easy. Why is this solar system so strange but other solar systems don’t seem to have any care taken for life or details included which would match what is seen here?

Both our solar system and exoplanet solar systems contradict, in the composition of nature of the planets which reside in them, the prevailing tale of how the Solar System came about. In both the exoplanet solar systems and in our own, lightweight elements such as hydrogen and sulfur find their way in word to the very core of the system, while heavy elements find themselves at the very outskirts. In our own solar system every single planet including Pluto defies the expectations of the evolution model.

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