4 years ago

Modern Day Creation story: Dark Matter is a fable for grownups to avoid belief in God. What is Dark Matter--WE CANT SEE IT, CANT TASTE IT, AND CANT EVEN MEASURE IT BUT WE BELIEVE!!!!!!!! ITS THERE. Just NOT GOD.
....... Another conundrum created by this situation is our own galaxy. If the fabric of space is being stretched, how come the space within our galaxy between the planets is not affected? Why does the stuff inside the galaxy stay together at a constant distance, but the space between the galaxies is stretching out continually? In fact, another mystery that cosmologists have recently found, concerns the observable matter (planets, stars etc.) and the spin of our galaxy around the black hole in the middle. By mathematical calculations, and observation, the planets on the outer edge of our galaxy, should by all rights, be flung out into space, much like a kid on the outer edge of a merry-go-round. Scientists have calculated that there is NOT enough “regular matter” to create enough “gravity” to hold the plants and stars in their places. See this short video: https://rumble.com/vdignf-our-galaxy-is-spinning-tooooooo-fast-god-holds-it-together.html
......So, how to solve this conundrum—and of course keep our materialistic only world view--we need to propose another unknown galaxy wide binding force (by the way, the antithesis of Dark Energy, which is stretching the universe apart) and this time we will call it Dark Matter. Why Dark Matter, because everyone knows, that from a purely materialistic point of view, the only thing that could possibly exist to bind the galaxies together is some type of unknown matter, to create enough gravity, to bind the galaxy together, but today in 2020 we can’t see it, can’t feel it, can’t detect it, and can’t measure it. All we see are the effects of an unknown force holding our galaxy together. See these two short video clips: https://rumble.com/vb1ahb-martin-rees-dark-matter-we-do-not-know-what-it-is..html
....... Today, in 2020, cosmologists estimate that Dark Energy makes up about 70 percent of our universe, Dark Matter makes up about 25 percent, and only 5 percent of our universe is made up of the stuff we can see with our eyes, or even measure. Think of that, today in 2020, it seems as if we are going a bit backward? We only know what makes up 5 percent of our universe. Another question about Dark Matter Particles—why is there NO apparent Dark Matter between the Galaxies holding the Galaxies together? I mean if it truly is just a particle that we have not yet discovered, what is keeping it confined inside the galaxies, if the galaxies are surrounded by nothing but empty space? Like a gas, filling every part of a closed container, if Dark Matter is simply a particle we cannot detect, then Dark Matter should even out, and fill the closed system our Universe appears to be, and bind everything together—NOT JUST GALAXY SIZE OBJECTS. Also, it’s the nature of the opposing two unknown forces we call Dark Energy, and Dark Matter, that has me really intrigued. Watch this short video: https://rumble.com/vdyx9j-dark-matter-our-friend-dark-energy-our-enemy.html
....... So the force we call Dark Matter—is our friend, because it makes galaxy formation possible, and is a galaxy wide cohesive force, keeping the planets and stars in their places. Colossians Chapter 1 verses 16 and 17 AMP
16 For [d]by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. 17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.]
[Jesus] is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.
...... But on the other hand, thanks to an unknown force they call Dark Energy, the entire universe is being stretched at an accelerated rate, ultimately ending in the Big Rip, if the process of energy consumption, and the running down of the universe is not halted.
...... These are mysteries probably left for future generations to solve, but I must admit as a Theist, how the Apostle Paul in the Land of Israel 2000 years ago could say that “in Him [Jesus] all things hold together,” is a mind boggling testimony of God’s word.

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