A Message of Hope - Prayer March 2020

4 years ago

We were truly blessed to be a part of Prayer March 2020 in Washington, D.C. at the end of September. Franklin Graham was inspired to create this incredible God-honoring event that brought thousands of Christians from their hometowns across the entire United States into the Washington Mall for a time of prayer, repentance, supplication, and unity.

As the Presidential Election still swirls in chaos, Shannon reminds us of the hope we having in our amazing God, and that we're "praying for radical change in America...for another four years of grace."

Please continue to pray with us, for God to have mercy on our lives, our nation, and our future.

0:00 Prayer from Michele Bachmann in front of the Lincoln Memorial
3:58 Shannon - Praying for Radical Change
4:12 Prayer from Lt. Col. Oliver North at the WWII Memorial

Here is a link to To Every Man An Answer's interview with Franklin Graham prior to the Prayer March: https://youtu.be/x7ASZo3L_WM


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