Police charge Pastor James Coates for violating public health orders at GraceLife Church in Edmonton

4 years ago

Rebel News paid a visit to a GraceLife Church west of Edmonton, Alberta, as the church led by Pastor James Coates has been the site of peaceful Christian civil disobedience to the lockdown restrictions on places of worship.
FULL REPORT from Sheila Gunn Reid ► http://rebelne.ws/3dmQ9l3

00:31​ GraceLife Church of Edmonton, Alberta
01:38​ Pastor James Coates detained by RCMP
02:08​ Rebel News attends service on Sunday, 14 February 2021

02:55​ RCMP arrives to church before service
03:37​ Interview with Pastor James: “Ultimately, we want God to be glorified.”
05:14​ “I've seen reports that you were arrested...”
06:17​ “Happy birthday, here's a closure notice!”
06:31​ “You're not doing this to be rebellious, at all?” Pastor James on the authority of Christ
07:31​ Sermon on persecution
08:00​ Biblical reality of the role of government
09:00​ The government is "playing God" and deciding who gets to suffer
09:46​ “I'm going to receive a phonecall tomorrow from the RCMP...”
10:19​ Prepared to go to jail
10:53​ Do you have a message for other clergy?
12:37​ Is it un-Christian to be rebellious?
13:40​ Sheila Gunn Reid was the only reporter allowed in GraceLife Church!
14:20​ Pastor James turned himself in to police on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 and was held overnight
15:05​ Lawyer James Kitchen of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) addresses the situation

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