Mafia Genealogy

4 years ago

Catch this fascinating discussion on Mafia Genealogy with Justin Cascio

Justin is a lifestyle writer and mafia genealogist.

He is a founding editor of, and past managing editor of The Good Men Project Magazine. Justin has also written for Gangsters, Inc., Informer: The History of American Crime and Law Enforcement, The Mob Museum in Las Vegas, the (late, great) food magazines Spezzatino and Meatpaper, the Boston Local Food Festival, Chattering Kitchen, The Adventures of Divorced Pauline, PaleoHacks, Role/Reboot, xoJane, BeYou, and elsewhere. Two of Justin's essays have been included in Lambda-nominated nonfiction anthologies.

Justin administers the most popular FTM-oriented group on Facebook, "All transmen know each other," with over 19,000 members. He is active on the open-source genealogy website, Wikitree, and writes the renowned Mafia Genealogy blog.

Justin's other blogs include Justin Wants to Feed You, Tin Foil Toque, and One in Six Trans Men.

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