R.I.P. Maha Rushi/Rush Reflections - MASSIVE Fukushima Update - THE CORRECT VIEWS 2.217.2021

4 years ago

(The "!!!" part of this, denoted in this description, is a MUST HEAR and MUST SHARE show part)
Greetings Unsettled Souls,
'Tis Sam Di Gangi, most recently published in Blasting News, with facts and truths via:
The passing of Rush Limbaugh. We take an honest look at the radio pioneer and greatest of all time. We also look at hate via Bette Midler. Here, we see what evil looks like;
!!! The Green New Deal may just be a gateway to usher MORE nuclear power. The right, Republicans, even Donald Trump... bad for their stance on nuclear power? YES, but LISTEN AND SHARE because this is worse, by far;
The promise of wind power LIES in Texas as at least two ppl' are dead due to exposure. Perhaps drilling for oil, as Texas is known for, works better than iced up windmills that leave people freezing (it is not all the windmills fault);
According to 640 am, WHLO, NUCLEAR POWER is going to ramped up to cover for the windmills which were PROMISED to work so very well as we eliminate fossil fuels. This looks like just another ruse to usher in MORE nuclear technology!;
Hanford, at last, starts emptying waste;
THE DUMBDEE OF THE DAY - the IEAA and many other "experts" have said that Japan as little to fear as clean-up efforts continue, yet a 7.5 and MANY aftershocks have hit right where it was said that a 6 or higher would not likely strike.

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