Disconnected from God?

4 years ago


Sometimes people feel disconnected from God. I hear people pray, “Lord, why are you so distant?” If you read the Psalms you’ll see a cycle of appeals to God such as Psalm 10:1, “Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”.

What does this say about God and us?

This says more about us and our insufficient perspective than it does about God. Our Christian theology affirms a belief in God’s “omnipresence”. Omnipresence means present everywhere at the same time. He has been that way for all eternity. He isn’t contained by this universe (His creation). Yet, he permeates every inch of it.
That means He’s there in your bedroom, in the bathroom, in your car, at your work, with you on vacation, and with you in times of joy and in times of immense pain and heartache.

Three reasons He seems so far away

So, if He is so close, why does He sometimes seem so far away? I think this stems from three sources.

1. Many times, we treat God as if He is there for OUR benefit (like a magic genie)…and when we have no compelling needs, we forget about Him and what he wants from us. Just listen to your own prayers for a moment. Are they praise and thanksgiving, or mostly requests for our own benefit? And when our prayers go unanswered, we feel like God isn’t listening or aware of our existence.

2. We incorrectly feel we are worthy of His constant presence. Yet God is Holy and hates our sin. If we embrace our sin and continue to sin without self restraint, aren’t we repelling His very presence? When we give up control and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and correct us, He is faithful to enter our lives and make His presence known.

3. We are too busy for God. We are busy bodies going here and there and don’t give God our time. Jesus regularly went off by himself to commune with the Father. To feel God’s presence, we must slow down and set aside intentional time to connect with Him.

What can you do about it?

I want to leave you with a few final thoughts. Whether you are in tune with His constant presence or not, God is right there…always.

How would your life change if you LIVED your BELIEF that God is HOLY, and EVERYWHERE at ALL TIMES (e.g. You are always in His presence), and that He LOVES you, and that unrepentant sin is what separates you from Him?

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

My prayer for you is that you praise God for His presence, ask what He wants from you, slow down, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform you.

God Bless. Remember We Walk With Victory not to it!!!

24‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’

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