Weather Disaster in Texas and Biden's Moral Relativism on China | Ep 371

3 years ago

For the past several days, Texas and other southern states have been slammed with record low temperatures. Many of the people and organizations in these areas were not prepared for the severe conditions, leaving millions without electricity. Frozen pipes are a problem as well, and there are heartbreaking reports of what's going on with our elderly in nursing homes during this time. Some on the Left, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O'Rourke, have claimed that this is all about climate change and that this is exactly why we need a Green New Deal. Naturally, this is hypocritical of AOC and Beto. Is weather related to climate or not? Texas gets 25% of its power from renewable energy, and during this cold snap, we've seen wind turbines frozen in place and solar panels covered in ice, limiting the state's ability to return power to the people. Also, we discuss last night's town hall with President Joe Biden, in which he said some questionable things about minorities and children, but more importantly, he sidestepped a chance to denounce the totalitarian behavior of the government of China. Biden had no interest in denouncing the CCP, in an eerily similar parallel to the appeasement of Germany right before World War II.

We were shocked and saddened to hear that while we were recording this episode, legendary radio host Rush Limbaugh passed away, and we will be addressing this in our next episode along with the horrific reactions from Twitter and the Left.

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