Fake News New York Times Trashes Trump's Economic Growth

3 years ago

NY Times Rates Trump Worst President on the Economy – and They Wonder Why It is Called Fake News. The paper’s ran a piece arguing that Donald Trump has the worst economic record of any modern president. In three years under Donald Trump the unemployment rate hit its lowest level in 50 years – and the lowest ever for blacks and Hispanics. The poverty rate hit its lowest level ever in the history of the United States. That was also true for blacks, Hispanics, female-headed households. Median household income rose to an all-time high with a gain of more than $5,000 from 2016-19 – and the percentage gains were most significant for minorities. The income gains in three years were higher than the gains in eight years under Obama. Household wealth rose 30% in four years. So how is this not the BEST record of any modern president? The Times counted the massive job and GDP losses of the pandemic year– when the global economy was flattened for much of the first half of the year.


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