Veteran park ranger at Lower Granite teams up with service dog

4 years ago

Credit: Chief Petty Officer Matthew Cole | Date Taken: 02/09/2021
“I am 10th generation to serve,” Emily Klinefelter, Park Ranger with Lower Granite Natural Resource Office, said. “My grandmother filled my head with dreams about being a sailor. She served in WWII teaching young Americans and Russians how to use the anti-aircraft guns.” Klinefelter joined the Navy, traveling the world on the back of an aircraft carrier. Then, after 9-11, the U.S. found itself in the midst of a war. One of the biggest dangers in this war were the IEDs, or improvised explosive devices, bombs that were remotely operated and planted with the aim of blowing up U.S. soldiers and vehicles. It was into this war that Klinefelter deployed.

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