4 years ago

Original Air Date: 23.DEC.2020
New Episode Tonight!
All of human history has been a prelude to the coming conflict of Good v. Evil. The time of choosing sides is over - it's time to Cross Over! General Washington & Continental Army crossed the Delaware River on 25-26 DEC, 1776. Facing insurmountable odds, spies in towns & even within his own ranks - God's Hand was upon George Washington.
His Victory over Great Britain's oppressive tyranny - God's Greatest Achievement would later become manifest. One hundred sixty five years later - Sir Winston Churchill stated in a Joint Session of Congress on December 26th 1941 - through which, he would welcome Britain’s new comrade in arms, The United States of America in the first battle against Luciferian Socialism.
Sir Winston's words were moving - drenched with meaning that 2 long, hard years of front-line combat and sorrow engenders - from the lost battles of Dunkirk to the devastation of the Blitz and the Holy Victory that was the Battle of Britain, Sir Winston would speak to a packed house - and change the course of history.
We must keep in mind, that as Churchill arrived at the Congressional building, the United States had just received a devastating blow through the Japanese assaults against the US naval fleet at Pearl Harbor. In those dark hours - for most Americans - all seemed lost. But, was it? The Providential Role of God Almighty was about to enter the fray. And none who confront God - can long withstand His Withering assaults.

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Intro Segment (3D Part) - please support his channel):
Kayleigh McEnany Smackdown Intro & Outro
YouTube: @Dr Pepper
Site: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDenfiles

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Original song composed by Simon Khorolskiy
Lyrics adapted from the Bible by Simon Khorolskiy & Zarina Kozlov

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