Woodpecker bird beautiful

4 years ago

The woodpecker bird is one of the most famous species of birds, as it is distinguished by a set of characteristics .. as it has habits that it performs with strange regularity and persistence. It is also distinguished by its pointed beak, which it uses to pry trees by rapid and continuous pecking. This bird also has a solid tail that it uses with its feet to fix itself on trees The woodpecker feeds on worms and beetles and builds its nest in a strange way by digging a hole in the tree

Then he digs a long passage perpendicular to the entrance to the hole inside the tree trunk and is 30 cm long. At the bottom of this passage, the female woodpecker lays eggs from 4-7 small eggs. Forests with old or dead trees are the most suitable environment for woodpeckers, where they find insects and worms that are abundant in these trees. Male woodpeckers are distinguished by their abundance of red feathers.

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