STIMULUS CHECK UPDATE! New APPROVED Items Now Included in $1.9T Stimulus Plan!

4 years ago

#checks #stimulus #stimulusupdate

MAJOR STIMULUS CHECK UPDATE! Reviewing the items officially approved and added to Joe Biden's $1.9T Stimulus Package!

MAJOR Stimulus Check Update! Historic Week in Congress! The Senate and House of Representatives held a vote that would allow them to pass stimulus without bipartisan support. HUGE! This update covers SSI + SSDI, monthly stimulus checks for children dependents and $1400 checks and unemployment and unemployment extensions! New plans for monthly stimulus checks is being rolled out by both Republicans and Democrats - see why they agree it's needed!

Talks are ramping up for congress to include monthly checks for children dependents!

The Senate began voting on new Amendments to the $1.9Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package! Some Shockers were voted on!

#stimulusupdate #unemploymentbenefits #secondstimuluspackage #stimuluscheckupdate #2000stimuluscheck #thirdstimulusupdate #monthlystimuluschecks

Major Update on child tax credit on stimulus package! (Also monthly)

Major Executive Orders being put through, for better or worse? Third Stimulus Package Update!

#stimulusupdate #unemploymentbenefits #secondstimuluspackage #stimuluscheckupdate #americanrescueplan #2000stimuluscheck

Multiple stimulus checks in the works. What will you do with the money? Bills? Invest? Save? Donate? Should we support massive debt?

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