2017 Humbleville NewAgePet EcoFlex Fontana Chicken Barn Update and inexpensive pen

4 years ago

We have had our NewAgePet EcoFlex Fontana Chicken Barn for over a year now! Join us to see how it has held up over this past season, and how we clean it out.

We built a walk-in pen for the hens, too, this year! I'm rather pleased with how this turned out relative to the low cost. While we love having the hens free-range in our backyard, we were not so pleased with how the hens ate up all of our hostas and other flowers, not to mention the indiscriminate pooping all over our patio and patio furniture. If we are going to keep these hens and have any hope of future hens, we need to get that under control or Mrs. Humbleville will crush these dreams as the WAF (Wife Acceptability Factor) plummets. But the walk-in pen is installed and working very well for us.

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