7° Chakra Mahapadma Yoga Experience

3 years ago

Sahasrara is the seventh of our chakras, also known as the crown chakra as it is located at the very top of our head. Unlike the other six chakras it does not govern any organ, but being at the top of our energy centers it is responsible for the correct functioning of the cerebral cortex and the pineal gland, as well as our highest forms of thought, such as transcendence, knowledge and spirituality.

Its Sanskrit name literally means "a thousand times as much", referring to the thousand petals of a lotus flower that slowly open, a metaphor for our personal and spiritual growth that reaches its peak precisely at Sahasrara. The thousand is also a very significant number in the spiritual practices of Eastern culture, mentioned in many ancient writings.
The Sahasrara chakra is in fact connected to our purest and most disinterested feelings, such as altruism, humility, trust, compassion and forgiveness.

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