SFG Square Foot Garden 2016 mid June update - Late start, new irrigation, kale seeds, and mulching

4 years ago

Welcome to Humbleville, USA!! Well, we got a late start on the garden this year because early spring was so cold for so long. I really feel a bit behind. Due to my personal salsa consumption, we will try to step up our tomato and pepper production (sorry onion, we'll set our sites on you for next year). Also, I feel like the yield from our 2015 garden could be improved.

We didn't do a great job of keeping up with the watering. I'm hoping the drip irrigation system I'm installing will help us out. In addition, I will be using wood chips and other organic material as mulch to help the moisture retention. I've run into an issue with our rain catchment system, but that's for another video.

We also have a new blog at www.HumblevilleUSA.com!! Have a look and see! Please continue to join us on our journey by SUBSCRIBING to this channel. It really helps. Thank you and God Bless !!

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