Comparing between "Müsli and Cornflakes"

4 years ago

As we know food is the basic need for the body, thus the search for food which can provide all nutrients together and instantly is high. There are many studies which tell that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Therefore you must take the highest amount of nutrients at that time and the best option is muesli and cornflakes. Both muesli and cornflakes are liked very much by people and both of them have their benefits. Eating a bowl of either can make your day power-packed.

A mixture of oats, dried fruits, nuts, and cereals, muesli is a power-packed meal. You can have it with milk, yogurt, juice, and toppings of your choice like chocolate or fruit.
It is full of minerals, vitamins, iron, and magnesium. A whole grain-food, high in fiber is good for the digestive system. Muesli is high in fiber and is healthiest among other breakfast cereals.

Corn flakes:
Made up of milled corn, sugar, vitamins, iron, fructose corn syrup, corn flakes are the most popular cereal known for breakfast. By eating cornflakes in breakfast the utilization of nutrients become easier as it made up of milled corn.
Corn flakes also help in lowering down the cholesterol level of the body and rich in iron cornflakes also help in increases the iron content of the body.
Nutrition comparison of Muesli and Corn flakes:
Components of(Müsli):
Total Fat: 5.6g
Protein: 11g
Fiber: 7.7g
Carbs: 66g
Potassium: 307mg
Sodium: 231mg

Components of(Cornflakes):
Total Fat: 0.4g
Protein: 7.5g
Fiber: 1.2g
Carbs: 84g
Potassium: 47mg
Sodium: 639mg

The conclusion
comes out to be that muesli has more nutritional benefits than cornflakes. Either of them can be included in your daily diet. Like if you want to lose weight then you can switch to muesli and if you want to gain weight you can switch to cornflakes.

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