The Millionaire Mindset

3 years ago

Discover Ways to Create a sustainable, Passive income for life
So You Can work less, Ear More & Finally Escape The Rat Rate

Day #1 : Making More Money

1. Secrets To Building Long-Term Wealth

See how to do 2 simple things: make more money & have your money make more money. The only thing keeping you from doing both is your mindset. Get the secrets to adjusting your mindset for wealth in this keynote address.

2. Diving Into The Cash Flow Quadrant

See what it takes to make the shift from employee to business owner, and business owner to entrepreneur. We’ll address the common challenges everyone faces here, and how to overcome all of them.

3. The Difference Between Creating a Job & Being an Entrepreneur

Discover why most people get stuck tying their income to time and what it means to create a job vs. creating a business. See real examples of people who have become entrepreneurs and discover how to get into entrepreneurship without going through the typical entrepreneurial pitfalls.

4. The Best Online & Offline Business Opportunities

Find out about different online and offline business opportunities. This presentation is jam-packed with relevant and proven examples to help you start your own business!

5. The Fastest Way to Start a Business - The X Factor

Success is simple. You just need to learn from people who have already achieved it. You’ll see why investing in the best possible teachers could be the best decision you’ll ever make in your professional life.

6. Assets vs. Liabilities

What’s an asset? What’s a liability? Find out in this presentation. You’ll see simple ways to create wealth, invest in assets, and minimize liabilities. Discover how to generate cash flow as opposed to just equity.

7. Demystifying the Stock Market

What are stocks? Where does the value come from? See how to get started in stocks, and how to avoid the common mistakes people make when investing in the stock market.

8. An Email List as an Asset?

See how an email list can be an asset, and why building an email following is superior to a social media following (hint: email is king when it comes to monetization).

9. Building Your Success Team

All successful people build a team around them. See how to hire great people for your business, and invest in your network.

Day # 2: Creating Systems To Make You More Money

10. Success Is Simple

Most people overcomplicate success. All these businesses and investments you’re learning about aren’t super complicated - they’re actually simple. The key is finding the right system, building your team and taking action!

11. Profit from Real Estate... The Rich Dad Way!

Achieve financial independence and leave the rat race now! Get the strategies and secrets Robert uses in real estate to create cash flow in any market. Even if you think you don’t have the knowledge, time, or money needed – the Rich Dad Coaching team will show you how!

12. The Opportunity In Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a great opportunity but… what is it and how does it work? See how to get started investing in Bitcoin, key metrics to track, and find out the common challenges that come up when investing in cryptocurrencies.

13. How to Leverage the Global Economy to Develop a Business

The global economy has opened up a bunch of opportunities. See how you can use the internet to buy cheap products from China and sell them for a markup in the United States.

14. The Power of Soft Assets

You are your most powerful investment! Your network, skills, education, health, and wellness. They all need attention to be successful!

15. The Tax Savings of Becoming an Investor & Entrepreneur Tom
Wheelwright See why the tax code isn’t “bad” and how to do the right things to get the most tax savings. This talk is all about leveraging legal loopholes to YOUR advantage!

16. How To Protect Your Assets

See why you need to protect your assets as an entrepreneur and
investor. We’ll also cover risk management and how to set up LLCs and corporations.

17. The Power of Contribution

The wealthier you become, the more you’re able to contribute. See how wealth allows you to contribute to your family, your community, and the world.

The 2 Day Summit is Over, Access The Replays For Just $1!


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