The sound of nature in the forest. Live Sound

3 years ago

The sounds of nature are the music that the universe itself gives us. And this music is the most natural for us. The singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the sounds of rain, the sound of the surf — all this is so harmonious that when listening to these sounds, the mind calms down. In this state, any yoga practices, and indeed any activity will be much more effective, you can see for yourself. Try to turn on the sounds of nature during your usual activities, even during your daily work — efficiency and productivity will increase significantly.

You can also listen to the sounds of nature while cooking. It would seem, what is the connection here? In fact, the emotional state in which we prepare food greatly affects the quality of that food and ultimately how that food affects us. That is why in ancient times, sages and yogis did not take food from the hands of unwholesome people. If the food is prepared by a person who was angry or melancholy at the time, these qualities will pass to the person who ate the food. So try to turn on the sounds of nature — your mind will calm down, and you will be able to cook food in a good mood. And then, as they say, feel the difference between ordinary food and food that was prepared accompanied by the sounds of nature.

The sounds of nature can also be turned on during sleep. With this musical accompaniment, sleep will be of higher quality, and you will notice that you get enough sleep in much less time. When you wake up after such a dream, you will be rested, cheerful and full of energy — you will feel it yourself.

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