Activist Mommy on Censorship - Elizabeth Martin Johnston

4 years ago

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Censorship. Is it a benign tool used to prevent hate and prejudice or a weapon used to silence people who have a conservative and/or Christian worldview? To answer this important question, Kevin has Elizabeth Martin Johnston on the show today. She is better known as the Activist Mommy to her fans.

Elizabeth is an Activist Vlogger (video blogger) who educates about current events and topics that are important to families. The pulse behind everything Elizabeth does is her love for Jesus Christ, who saved her from her sin during her teenage years and launched her on a very unpredictable journey of service to Him, which has included foreign missions, orphanage ministry, outreach to kids in troubled inner-city areas, backyard bible clubs, street ministry, pro-life rescue ministry, public speaking, producing a movie, and homeschooling her ever-growing family.

Elizabeth is on a mission to expose the double standard of censorship. She has personally been on the receiving end of censorship, being banned from Facebook twice for taking a biblical stance on homosexuality. She is gathering evidence to expose Facebook for being biased against the worldview she holds to. If you’re watching today and you have experienced similar bias, Elizabeth asks that you contact her through her website at

This episode first aired on February 25, 2017.
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