Ep128: Dems "It Wasn't Me" Parody, 3 New 2020 Swing States, Corporate Owns Politicians Own Corporate

4 years ago

Enjoy my Shaggy "It wasn't me" rendition of Democrats, politicians and corporate oligarchs not giving a S**T about you and gaslighting right to your face. When in reality, the midwest are the ones who need gaslight since they are freezing to death because green energy doesn't keep you warm when there is no sun and the turbines freeze.

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Rebekah Jones according to NPR was a “top Scientist” when she has actually been fired from all 3 jobs in this field for stealing, trespassing, sexual cyber harassment. She never got a doctorate and was studying tropical storms, not epidemiology.

Power outages with below freezing temperatures:
And I get to hang out with 75 deg and an awesome governor. Sucks to be you! Ha! Kidding,
See how much shit can go sideways if the power is out and how the wind turbines froze! So much for green energy.



They despise you.

This is why so many people are cheering in the run on bank silver notes. Another example how they don't give a shit about you.


Erectile Dysfunction:
The dominant machines for counting peoples opinions was shown to delete 6% of all republican ticket
Isn’t it creepy that the company is called dominion

Colorado looks like Saddam’s Iraq:
Voter Turnout usually around 50-55% this time its 85%
Biden received 465,000 more approvals than Hillary, and Trump improved his approvals by more than 165k

Virginia Fairfax County There were 5 drops of opinions over 300k. all ending up 7-80+% in favor of Biden, which is 7%-25% higher than Hillary. One dump was exactly 80/20

For our daily dose of optimism. These RIDICULOUS statistics are being constantly followed by the hardcore news consumers. Some of it gets trickled out to the casual consumers. This is enough to sway local elections and used as a rallying cry. It is time to activate the human nature that made freedom survive against the largest tyrannies of history and why it will happen again. We are in retreat and need to fortify our local boundaries and supply lines.
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