Only our love fades our colors away

3 years ago

Only our love fades our colors away. ft 4chun8, BACFA, Tetsuyama, Pimp Daddy, chain O, Babyrock, She7, LadyRWB and Blue Eyes.

Heal the World, make it a Greater place.
It don’t matter what’s the color or the shape of your face.
Whatever happened to your honor and the cut of your jib?
We won’t let ourselves be fooled by the violent Lib.

Fascist Antifa, Soros minions, and the BLM separating individuals, making us versus them.
Let’s try to bind us all together and be part of a whole.
Secure our Liberty and Sovereignty.
Remember the goal...

We see this rainbow of division in front of our eyes.
It’s time to analyze all of the gray.
Get back to compassion. Find the truth and take action.
Only our love fades our colors away.

United We Stand and divided we fall.
It’s time to remember history and get to heeding the call
that our forefathers gave us when they started this all.
Get together, fight for justice and we will walk tall.

We can’t be living in fear and hiding away.
Sometimes you’ve gotta raise your voice and put yourself in the fray.
Light a lantern for The Lord, He turns the night into day.
Live in truth and your love will fade your colors away.

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