Venezuelan Immigrant say Socialism is a Disguise for Communism

4 years ago

Venezuelan Immigrant say Socialism is a Disguise for Communism

Here on the Got Freedom podcast, we have the opportunity to interview all sorts of brave and interesting people. Today we have the honor and privilege of talking with Venezueualla immigrant Jonathan Uzcategui.

Jonathan is a small business owner and family man, he moved from Venezuela when he was in high school. As an immigrant, he carries a unique perspective, because he lived during the transition when the nation of Venezuela went from being primarily a capitalistic country to a socialist and then communist nation.

It was during this transition that Venezuela went from being one of the most prosperous nations in South America to now one of the poorest countries in the entire world. When asked how the Venezuelan people came to accept this terrible economic switch Jonathan went on to say it all started with "fear". Jonathan went on to explain how the exact things we are seeing here in America today, were the exact types of things taking place in his country.

Universities excepting Marxism and protesting burning things in the streets, the collapse of small businesses, and the government coming in to offer support and programs. The government came in saying we would help support the people of Venezuela, but instead of helping them in exchange for control, the people Venzauala have suffered some of the worst forms of tyranny in our modern world today.

A recent study was released saying the average Venezuelan citizen has lost nearly 19 lbs, because of the lack of resources and food.,Nacional%20de%20Condiciones%20de%20Vida.

This is not because of a lack of resources, Venezuela has some of the richest natural resources in the world, this is because of a corrupt and evil government. Unforntuallantly if such a thing remains unchallenged in the United States, we run the risk of suffering the same fate, if good men and women choose to do nothing.

Stand with us as we stand up for the freedom and voice of the individual.

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