The For The People Act Takes Advantage of You

4 years ago

The For The People Act Takes Advantage of You

House Bill HR1 known as "The People Act" is a load of crap. That's right you heard it, this so-called "Peoples Act" is simply a ploy to take the fiasco of what happened in 2020, turning its chaos into the corruption of the future.

This bill is here to manipulate you and to take advantage of you. It will only benefit big tech and entrenched liberal Democrats who have created their own oligarchy system.

So let's break it down and talk about what we can do about it. Its official title is House Resolution 1, which by the way a Resolution and a Bill are virtually the same things. What HR 1 proposes is to make the election system federal rather than something governed by the states. Now Constitutionally the elections are run by the states, but what this does, is it uses the power of the purse to manipulate the states, control them, and force them into a federally regulated election system.

These specific dictates include home-printed ballots, third part ballot pickups, removing signature verifications, and a whole host of various election procedures that are currently contrary to state election law.

Why are these contrary to state election law?

Because it makes elections highly susceptible to fraud. The "For The People Act" is a claiming a democratic benevolence. When we look at democracy, it basically comes down to two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.

The Bill of Rights is actually the most anti-democratic document ever constructed because it says you and I have value regardless of what the majority dictates. The United States is a government for the people and by the people not simply because it is ruled by a majority but it is because it values the rights of the individual.

This bill would undermine that value because it would say it is simply the majority rule. This is a deceptive work of art and it cannot stand. We do not have the luxury to check out because we are simply tired. This is a call for us to even engage even more.

So what can we do? We can notify those around us, we can share the information:

For the people's act:

Please be sure to reach out to your local congressmen, letting them know this type of legislation is not okay.

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