Invigorated AND Relaxed, This is totally awesome!! - Relax Far Infrared Portable Sauna

4 years ago

This is a spontaneous Relax Sauna testimonial:
This is totally awesome!! - Relax far infrared portable Sauna

“This was totally awesome. I love it. I feel invigorated. I don't feel like I need to take a nap. I feel ready to paint Vegas. It is just awesome. I like it. It feels really good.

I was in it for maybe 10 minutes. I do not feel like I am drained. I feel invigorated and that does not normally happen in a sauna. Usually, you feel drained and want to take a nap. I'm ready to go. I got a lot of energy I that I didn’t have and mental clarity. I'm actually relaxed from having a board exam.

I just found this at the convention and I think it's awesome and I'm going to buy one. And use it in my practice. I loved it. It was awesome. Now I can walk out of here and leave my test behind and all my stress behind and go be happy with my family.”

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