Borax Miracle. Naturally cure, arthritis, heart, calcification, fluoride, metals

3 years ago

Boron,/ Sodium Borate and other natural salts are required trace minerals and I present the mixing instructions I use to get therapeutic amount of Borax (all natural sodium Borate) and my personal experiences of the life changing miraculous effects that it had in my life. This video provides information about my experiences and healing of life long degenerative arthritis and the removal of fluoride, heavy metals, and calcification of the joints and muscles / body that I once though was just old age setting in, but I found it was toxification, mineral deficiencies and

Borax is a safe and effective mined mineral to use in many ways. I want to clarify the safety factors of Borax, to help clear up any misconceptions... First off, always read and follow the manufactures recommendations and warnings to be safe... Borax is a mineral that is mined similar to many table salts... and to put borax toxicity into proper perspective, it should be pointed out that processed table salt is over 1.5 times more toxic on ingestion as borax according to their own Material Satiety Data sheets..
Again, one must use caution, when using borax, but one must also understand that salt it far more toxic with ingestion levels, than borax as listed on the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for borax and for salt, which I am attaching links to for understanding and educating...
The Borax manufacturers MSDS PDF file is located in the following link:​
and in fair comparison, the MSDS PDF file for table salt is at the following link as well:​
It is interesting and necessary to point out that the important sea minerals contained in pure Borox are considered by many as safe and even necessary and essential for proper health...
Borax contains the natural mineral Boron in it and there have been various research done on it with numerous health benefits, and arthritis cures due to people being deficient in boron, which is involved with healthy bone development and density and proper calcium deposition in the right places. Borax is also used by many to remove toxic fluoride from the body as well as calcification in hurtful locations ....This PDF article called "The Borax Conspiracy", shows a massive cover-up to keep people from healing themselves naturally using the essential minerals in Borax...​
Evidence based research on Borax, shows these incredible health and healing benefits and uses in this must see video of Dr. Jorge Flechas, MD, MPH on Borax​

Magnesium is so critical for us to be taking, that Dr. Carolyn Dean wrote the book called the Magnesium Miracle... and Dr. Dean has numerous lectures and interviews on YouTube that are very informative. Here is one on the magnesium that I highly recommend, as it will also change your life if you glean from her medically backed research and recommendations​

Natural Salts / minerals are something I and I would guess most of us are severely deficient in ... Here is an eye opening video I would highly recommended... It is a video lecture by Dr. Brownstein based on his book called Salt Your Way to Health and if you glean from this amazing Doctors advice and recommendations that are based on research, it will also change your life

Iodine is critical as well. Make Lugol's iodine or buy it on Amazon. Here is a great video from Dr. Brownstein, that will really open your eyes, as he talks about the importance of iodine.​ and here is an informative PDF guide to supplementing with iodine...​
My video on iodine​
*****Disclaimer******: The aim of this video and provided web sites is to provide information only using my experiences using Borax and other natural minerals and their effects in my and my families life. The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with the methods provided and in the web sites and does not recommend using borax or any other natural minerals or extracts / oils, to treat any diseases, or in countries where Borax was wrongly made illegal or where it is legal to sell. As with any information provided... For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, or if you are under the care of a professional, seek the help of your or a competent health professional. And above ALL else, God Bless you!

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