What would it Look like with all the planets between the earth and the moon?

3 years ago

What did I just watch?

quick faqs:

All the planets in the solar system will fit between the earth and the moon at the moons farthest distance. Most of the time. The Moons apogee (farthest distance in orbit) varies greatly with each orbit due mostly to the influence of the sun, In my example I used a distance of 406377 km

In this video All the planets are fitted between the earth and the moon with small, Less then 1000km distance, between each one, Each planet has a different orbital velocity based on distance, and based on a negligible mass. The orbital velocities are correct for objects of negligible mass.., In reality everything would crash into each other.

Why do the planets seem to be going in different directions?
They aren’t. The Orbits of the planets are all going in the same direction, same as the moon would, however the earth is Rotating, and the closer planets are moving faster than the earth rotates therefore they rise in the west instead of the east.

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