The Truth That Walked The Earth!

4 years ago

This song describes the foundation of all truth. No matter at what time in history you were born in, and you desire and love truth, it is from this man, who was sent to the earth and born from the seed of YaHVeH ALMIGHTY through human virgin birth to die for the sins of all of mankind, and eventually totally remove all sin from mankind in the period of time that the Creator of all things had already planned before the foundation of the earth was laid. So, any desire for truth in a person comes from this man Yahvshua/"Joshua" the Mashiyach, the Foundation of all Truth; the "many" (Mat. 24:5) call "Jesus" or the "Christ", and it is YaHVeH's way of calling and bringing you to HIS Ben and out stretched Arm and Right Hand to deliver you from this age on the earth that is about to time out and go into a new age of Yahvshua's thousand year reign on this earth. But you have to accept the call.


The Truth That Walked the Earth

Created 04/12/6999* [5778] 1st day of the week [06/24/18]
Published 08/13/6999* [5779] 1st day of the week [10/14/18]

Verse 1:
Long ago there was a Man;
It was already planned,
For Him to succeed Adam;

Verse 2:

Light and life was His message;
And for many it was hard,
Hard for them to fathom;

Verse 3:

His speeches were so true;
The hidden things he knew,
Made the thesis of a scholar sound like babble;

Guitar solo

Verse 4:
Wise and simple was this Man;
The poor and sick received His hand;
And He rewarded them with kindness;

Verse 5:

His lineage was of kings;
The proud and arrogant earned His sting;
But they rejected Him anyway;

Verse 6:

Gladly received He was in some towns;
Demons cried out when He came around;
Humble folk pursued Him and were amazed;


He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor

He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor

Verse 7:

Many just sought His loving gaze;
The wonders He did were beyond belief;
Normal could not anyone call this Chief;

Spoken in Background:

And proved His unearthly connection;

Verse 8:

He did catch the authority’s stare;
His tribe could not believe their eyes;
His own brethren sought to stone Him;

Verse 9:

One of the twelve He chose did betray;
Seventy He sent to declare His arrival;
They casted out evil spirits along the way;

Spoken in Background:

So high was His authority;

Verse 10:

The empire in power at the time;
Noticed the man knew their plans;
He was able to read their minds;

Spoken in Background:

That they could not allow;

Verse 11:

So they hung Him on a pole;
Tortured along with two banditos;
And by doing caused His fame to grow;

Spoken in Background:

While His message spread like fire;

Verse 12:

You know this Man did not stay dead;
He arose the day He said;
And His followers saw Him the very next day;


He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor


He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor


He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor


He’s the truth that walked earth
The one born by virgin birth
The light that shines in dark places
He’s the way to gain YaH’s Favor

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