Dr. Scott Atlas - Masks Don't Work!, 3508

4 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Today’s summary sentence is from Luke.
Luke, a medical doctor, a gentile, and the author of both this gospel and the book of Acts, focused largely on Jesus’ healing ministry in his account of Jesus’ life, and his two-volume set of Luke and Acts (written for Theophilus) gives us an overview of Christ, the origins of Christianity, and the birth of the Church!
“Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught” (Luke 1:1-4).

Laura Ingraham is an attorney who always regretted not taking a right turn early on in her college career to become a physician.
But she’s now in an even better place a triple threat lawyer interested in medicine with a TV show with around 3 million viewers. To put that into perspective, in the last 365 days, I’ve had 9.1 million viewers. So there.
Laura has finally found her spot in life as the 3rd member of Fox’s 3 -musketeer evening lineup.
Now, I can hear the howls from some of you – Fox betrayed us!
Fox made a horrible mistake by helping decide the presidency by declaration instead of waiting on real results and even then giving them the same scrutiny they give other news stories. They didn’t and that resulted in a huge loss in audience, which they richly deserved.
Tucker made a very interesting comment on that last week, and I will try to get back to that, but in essence, his final quote went something like this:
“We are tough. We will stand by you and fight this…” etc. I believe him. I think the Murdochs tried to steer the Fox ship of state over to join the other globalists, but they quickly discovered that their audience were not the sleepy-eyed sheep that inhabit CNN and MSNBC. We made FOX what it is because the no-so mainstream media had all come under the thrall of the New World Order group – totally playing by the script – zero real new-hounds over there.

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