SHARE THIS VIDEO: A "Pandemic" is NOT Equivalent to an "Emergency"

4 years ago

By the current definitions a "pandemic" does not equate to an "emergency" but this is EXACTLY why they are trying to change the definition in our Hawai'i emergency statute!! This is one of the most important videos I've made in a while. Please watch all the way to the end and please share for me as I'm highly censored!!!
***Correction: I went back and looked at the Covid Dashboard again and realized I was using the number for total test administered rather than the number of total positive tests. On Kauai that number is 235. So that would actually give you a fatality rate of 0.4% - WHICH IS STILL LESS THAN WHAT THEY ARE SAYING! Why are they telling us it's 0.6%??

Watch the original video I did about the definition of a pandemic:

Put in your testimony here:

Tutorial for the Hawai'i State Legislature website:

Where the original definition used to live:

Downloaded proof of old definition in May of 2009:

Updated definition in September of 2009:

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