4 years ago

This is all you need to know about fact checkers. Reuters state that all the fuss about the photos and video shoots, being at Castle Rock Studios, is all completely wrong, and in fact, all photos and videos are at the White House. Now you couldn't get better fact checking than Reuters right? Well I leave it up to you to decide, after viewing this very short video. The Biden Usurper, has not been allowed in the white house and it has been dark since Trump left on the 18 or 19th. you may well doubt this, but there is a 24 hour live video feed, been running since the 4th Feb. People say its not real. well flags flutter and cars move (but not cars at the White House) The only movement you see is a guard at the door, who walks up and down. At night now there is an odd light on now and again. But there is no one coming and going period. There is no Biden and there has not been for three years plus. What there is, happens to be 20-30 imposters, who have taken his place. Please see my other 20 plus videos on the subject. I have been the first person to put videos out about the imposters. and I have put a lot out. People do not want to accept the fact that America has their own, very first usurper, as a U.S. President, and no body even knows his name. An Australian comment, after I said it will make the U.S. the laughing stock of the whole world: "Wrong wrong wrong they all ready are. We used to look up to you guys, but due to your stupidity, we are now ashamed, that we even know you." For gods sake America wake up. Please spread this around to all your friends and in Particular , send it to all your Republican politicians.

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