The real History of evil roman catholic church

4 years ago

Is the Roman Catholic Church the one true Church? Are its past and present teachings and practices Scriptural? Of course not! Roman Catholics who read the Bible will soon discover that many Catholic teachings and practices are specifically forbidden by God.

The truth about the Roman Catholic Church is that it always has been and continues to be a false church. Those Biblical doctrines it professes to believe and teach are vitiated by Roman Catholic dogma based upon tradition that contradicts the Bible, God's infallible Word. Error is never more deceptive than when it is presented with a veneer of truth. The leaders of the Catholic Church have always fit the description of the false teachers who God warned in advance would come on the scene in the last days, deceiving many by their "feigned" (pretended or hypocritical) words—their "great swelling words of vanity," as described in 2 Peter 2:1-3,18,19.

Remember that all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (like all religious leaders, churches and organizations) must be carefully examined in light of God's Word, the Bible. Of course, some of the statements of the pope and a few portions of the Roman Catholic Catechism contain scriptural truths. This is why so many people are being deceived today. They do not realize that counterfeit religions, like counterfeit money, must resemble the genuine in order to deceive those who lack spiritual discernment or those who have not had the opportunity or taken the time to carefully compare all the major tenets of Roman Catholicism with the truth of God's Word. Only when one compares men's words with Scripture will it become obvious that Roman Catholicism is a carefully crafted counterfeit, not the pure, genuine, biblical faith.

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