Roland Aerophone modified cover of Braveheart theme with Pan Flute and Bagpipe tones

4 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm not a professional, just dabbling. I got my alto sax out of the case after 25 years, had it repadded, relearned how to read music and sax fingerings and thought I'd play a little.

I got a Roland AE-10 Aerophone since it uses acoustic sax fingerings and since I can't play the violin, cello, trumpet, flute, etc, it allows me to electronically simulate it. Not bad for a wind instrument!

I hope to inspire others to pick up an instrument and learn to play!

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This was recorded using the Pan Flute tone, 30 and the Bagpipe tone, 16 modified from the original themes on the soundtrack. I found the sheet music on if I remember correctly.

Song - Braveheart theme
Composer/Conductor/Producer - James Horner
Label - Decca Records
Published May 1995
No copyright infringement intended.

#Aerophone #SongCovers #Covers #CoverMusic #SoundtrackCover #Braveheart

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