We the People Convention New & Opinion 2-13-21

4 years ago

This Week’s Topics:
Impeachment Farce 4:00
All Lies and Hypocrisy 8:00
Voter Fraud Fight Continues 11:00
SOCTUS Decision this Week 17:00
Left Admits they stole Election 22:30
CDC “Misreported” Covid Deaths 30:00
Quomo Nursing Home Coverup 33:00
Ohio Covid Incompetence 35:00
They are not “Vaccines” 36:30
Nine Million Businesses to Close 37:30
France’s Marcron Calls out US Left 41:00
Governors Follow DeSantis Lead 44:00
Will Texas Secede from the Union? 48:00
Why Secession might be the Answer 50:00

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