ShockSumOne "1000 Ways"

4 years ago

Written, recorded, mixed and mastered by: Christopher Leigh Arrick
Instrumental by: Keifer Gr33n
Visual by: softbright

1000 Ways
Car wreck
Sky dive
Snake bite
How will you die?
Heart disease
Drive by
At night
When is your time?

One day you’re flying high
Next thing you know you’re going down like Kobe
Hiking through the woods checking out the fall leaves
Then on your deathbed from Lyme disease
Burger King double whopper with cheese in the drive-thru
Salmonella outbreak in your food
Strolling through downtown sunny day no clouds stray rounds Zzzooming through you

Feeling so alive Kings Island roller coaster ride looping upside down when your harness comes loose
Climbing in the mountains but you have no clue a pair eyes looking at your like food
Cleaning out your barn at your farm house moved an old couch and got bit by a brown recluse
Going under the knife for a simple surgery but when they try to wake you up you never come back to
You could not hear the smoke alarms
Trapped in your home and burnt to a crisp
Snorkeling in the ocean
When a shark swims up and rips off your limbs
Sucked up by a tornado bomb gets dropped or an asteroid hits
There’s a 1000 ways to die and each one I mentioned is scarier than COVID

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