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March 31, 2020
I had a wonderful time in worship on the mountains with the Lord he played songs of revival and just worship and his love over me! Then during the Lords supper he gave me the same readings that he had given me the day be
fore which is focuses on me trusting God and obeying his direction that me and my children my prosper in the land he has given me, the second reading was about not having a spirit of fear and the last reading the Gospel was about him sending me out as his disciple to baptize in the name of the father son and holy spirit to the nations teachings others what he has taught me. The second reading really stuck out to me this time around it was Romans 8, 14-17
All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. You did not receive a spirit of slavery leading you back into fear, but a spirit of adoption through which we cry out, Abba (that is Father). The spirit himself gives witness with our spirit that we are children of God. But if we are children, we are heirs as well:hers of God, heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so as to be glorified with him.
Then I immeadietly envisioned in my heart an orphanage and I was teaching the children that they were family. That they had a father and where not orphans at all. This scripture was a staple for them in order to teach the children not to fear but that this wasn’t an orphanage but they had been adopted in a family. The kingdom of God Family… I saw all the children reciting this and as they got to the part saying “which we cry out” they would all yell out Abba, Papa whiles clapping and laughing !! lol Then I saw when we received a new child we would introduce them to the other children as their new sibling. We then put the child in the center. All the children would recite that passage of scripture to them as they yelled we cry out Abba Papa Welcome to your family! I saw the children running to hug their new sibling and introducing themselves saying I am your brother Luke, I am your sister Ama and so and so. Then this new child would be given a paper heart which they would decorate and on the wall was a mural that says “My Family” and they would go and stick their name on there ….truly the children were our family! I saw the children running to this young man calling him Papa and he loved to play with the children and anywhere i went I would pick up things not only for my biological children but for the other children as well and referenced them as my own. I saw (these two young siblings who are my little cousins back home. whom the Lord has put on my heart, they were there helping at the orphanage) Kofi and his sister as well and telling them they were called to be examples to there other siblings that they now have….We were really teaching the children about Family, the kingdom of God that it matters not the skin color but we are all created from his heart and have one Father. Then I saw another scene with two young girls were fighting and one had yelled to the other your not my real sister anyway. The other young girl was really hurt by that. So I pulled naughty girl to the side explaining to her how she was made from the breath and heart of God and he breathed her into being…I breathed on her stomach as if she was a balloon and she began to laugh and I said and pop then you came about then I did the same with the other girl and she laughed and I put there hands together telling them they were indeed sisters and came from the same Father to always remember that….the kids were always excited to get another sibling! lol Oh Lord are these thoughts from you or my own mind you know how I can go on and on
My beloved these thoughts and images are indeed from me speaking to your heart about the glorious future I have in store for you beloved. It should draw you to hope. I need and want you too began dreaming with me concerning this community City of God that i have established in to your care to bring to fruition. I have had this work planned for you before the foundation of the earth and you have been perfectly suited for this job. Yes, in all of your weakness you are the best for it because of those things. There will be many challenges as they always will be dealing with children. Especially many wounded souls but, you know a thing or two about that don’t you (smiling)
Me:(Me smiling), Yes Lord I do
All that I have allowed my little one has been in preparation for this community. For you too truly meet the the children where they are at, for you to shower your love and compassion upon them and for you to grow in much more patience
Me: Oh now I can imagine lol
Yes, but it will bring you much joy, much joy, to all who are apart of this community and you will bring the children much joy. Many wounds will be healed in that place beloved there are special handpicked children I am preparing now. They will be such a consolation to you and Derrick (this young man) I told you I have great plans for you both. So don’t be discouraged about what things look like now but, trust in my promises for you beloved one. Continue to pray for him break through is be indeed soon. In the mean time keep your heart and mind on me and the promises I have spoken. Pray for him continuously as you do now and those I have called to help put this community together. You were right to think that I have entrusted you to Mother Teresa, St Therese little flower and St Francis. They have been with you since childhood beloved watching over you and praying for you fervently because this is there work too. Heaven is only the beginning beloved and they too are excited to embark on this project with you but, of course my Mother will be and has been the overseer over all this. This is indeed is her gift to me as you are my gift to her.
My dear ones I want to share with you how important it is in this hour to use your time wisely there are so many graces that have been released in this hour of suffering. That is indeed apart of the blood covenant given to you all suffering and pain in exchange for graces. There are so many gifts I have given you all my people don’t marvel at the things I have spoken to this little one for she indeed has been faithful with the little so now she will be entrusted with much more and that is in store for all my beloved ones who will be diligent with the gifts given to them now. You have so much ample time my people no more excuses that you are to busy, you are unsure what to do. This lockdown I have allowed is not just for you to self examine your sins but to also work, get going, being busy about my business. Work like there is no tomorrow because there may not be my beloved ones. There is so much that can be done know for the kingdom. In you I have put gifts of writing, gifts of speaking, gifts of song and worship, gifts of paintings, now is the time don’t put it back any longer. All of these gifts will be used to bring so many souls to me at a later time, You have been appointed to draw specifically souls this little one can’t so please get busy . Many are doubting even now…fearing even that they may not be good enough or in comparison with others Please don look to others my beloved one you are unique your voice is unique, what I tell you is unique, how you do things is unique to you and to the souls I have assigned to you . So now I am releasing graces for you to get busy about my fathers business. let create together beloved one and see what anointing I pour out when you step out in faith and obedience to the inspirations I have given you. Go forth now my beloved one in diligence and in faith using your gifts.
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