3 years ago

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My beloved dont be too hard on yourself it would've been wise to leave it at a safer place but who do you think knocked it over?
Me: The devils Lord
Yes, Beloved I want you from now on to anoint and bless any equipment or ministry materials you receive the devils hate the assigment I have given you and will do all they can to frustrate my plans but I wont allow it. I do however allow these things to not only cause you to be aware but to pray more and to grow in patience. An offering a gift you can give to me for the salvation of souls.
Mel Okay Lord forgive me I renounce frustration, impatience and bitterness.
Now the readings I gave you and the songs I playedfatih were all about faith beloved did you not ask me to make you a great women of faith?
Yes Lord I just didn't know the cost lol
Well, my little one with great faith comes great test, great breaking and great patience endurance. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen. To hope in the impossible takes great faith and great faith starts with a small mustard seed of faith. So I m not asking for your faith to be big more like I am asking you to gope greatly that I am who I say I am and that I can do all things. This generation will be known for the great explits and showmanship of my power than any other generation. I am calling my people to have great hope in me, to believe as the times get darker so will great faith arise. It must arise to shadder the darkness and cause the enemy to retreat. For so long my people have been held captive by fear, fear of the me, fear of delusion, fear of man and fear of the enemy but I am calling my people to beleive again, hope again in great faith the things that I will do in and through them. For those who are desiring to move in the supernatural gifts, it is available for you. The treasure of heaven is avialable for all my people all they must do is ask. I have a storehouse where the angels wait to hear the command of my people to release gifts but my people dont ask rather they fear it and walk in so much unbelief. Come to me my people come to the Father who owns a cattle on a thousand hills and gives to all generously who ask. Give yourself entirely to me in consecration ainin holiness and greater works will you do and see all for my glory
Me Lord if I may I remember you tole me that in order to have faith take more risk
Yes beloved one, my people fear being rejected or doubt the results of things but step out in faith and obedience and allow me to do the rest. Rarely is there a time a sincere prayer is prayed for a soul and returned void. Sometimes the fruit you don't see but there is always fruit when you step out in faith. So my people im calling faith to rise even in you now. Do you have the lame, sick around you step out in my love to touch them. I am their hope and believe I can and will do the impossible and I might just suprise you. (smiling) Im calling my people to count the cost and began to live out the life of what they say they believe
Do you believe I can raise the dead?
Do you believe I can heal the sick?
Do you believe I can open blind eyes?
Do you believe I can transform a hardened heart?
Do you believe I can do all these things through you?
If you say you believe then what are you doing about it?
My beloved ones take risk hope against hope beleive I tell you believe ask for the this gift began to walk in them now. When you see someone in need ask for me to stretch out my hands through your heart and touch them and leave the results to me. Great works will I do in and through you
Lord Can I share the vision you gave me a while back is that okay?
Yes, beloved it will greatly inspire others and to what I have in store for this generation for those who believe . Remember deep faith comes from Intimacy with me.

Thank you Lord

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