Full Interview - The 4th God Father of Good, Rohn Walker On The Ropes with Mike King.

4 years ago

This interview with Rohn Walker On The Ropes was nothing short of a total gem.

This final interview with the Godfathers changed my life. My wife is now out of the company and following her dreams. I am not far behind currently setting the company into a new all high range. When you are associated to and listen to these guys, things just start to happen.

My name is Mike King and I stumbled across the Godfather of Good by accident when I interviewed Bernard Percy. Each of these four very unique and incredibly intelligent beings had so much to give. After completing this final interview with Rohn, I now feel that I have a whole new future in front of me.

If you go to Rohn's site, www.intexectech.com, you too can take the Business Analysis Test and see how you far. It was one of the most interesting processes that I have ever done. Opening my mind to look at areas I never would have started to confront. It is a Game Changer.

When you get the correct business consulting, you can open the door to true happiness. A simple business analysis can open the door to areas you never would have thought to look. Suddenly a Retirement Plan does not look so difficult. When you are doing what you love, why would it.

Retirement used to be a bit of a worry for me. Well, I think that it is for everyone. But when you see it as Rohn defines, "When you are doing what you love to do, you are already retired." Retirement Options are very simple. Do what you love and have fun. Then you are retired with a good long plan.

Join me with The Godfathers of Good Part IV and you will see that this is not the end, but simply the beginning.

Looking forward to seeing you next time, On The Ropes!

I'm Mike King.

God Bless.


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